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Carrot Top Pesto

Carrot Top Pesto

Did you know carrot tops are perfectly edible and super good for you to boot? In fact, they contain around six times more vitamin C than the root! So, instead of throwing the carrot tops away, use them to make this incredibly simple and healthy carrot top pesto!

I like to use carrot tops freshly picked from the garden as I have a steady supply of carrots from late spring through fall which means loads of tops! You can also of course buy carrots from a market, just remember it's best to choose organic to ensure the tops don't have any pesticides on them.  

I recommend making a double batch of this carrot top pesto recipe so you can freeze a jar to pull out when you need a quick dinner option. A few of our favorite ways to use this pesto include:

  • On top of halibut, salmon, or chicken
  • With pasta or zucchini noodles
  • As a sauce for pizza
  • Spread on bread for a sandwich or bruschetta

If you make this recipe, be sure to let me know your favorite way to use it in the comments below! 

Yields8 Servings
Prep Time5 minsCook Time10 minsTotal Time15 mins
 ½ cup Basil
 2 cups Carrot Tops
 1 Garlic Clove
  cup Nuts (See notes)
 ½ cup Parmesan Cheese
 ½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 ¼ tsp Ground Black Pepper
 ½ tsp Salt

Cut off the carrot tops and wash the leaves. Pat dry and strip leaves from the stem.


Add all of the ingredients, except for the olive oil, into a food processor and blend until broken down. (Depending on your food processor, it may help to chop the nuts up a little before putting them in.)


Add in the olive oil and process until you get a slightly chunky sauce. If desired, you can thin it out to your desired consistency by adding more oil or water.

  • Typically pine nuts are used for pesto but you can substitute with almost any nut such as walnuts, cashews, pistachios, or almonds. I generally use almonds since I have a ton leftover from the mixed nuts we get from Costco (my little kids have a hard time biting through them whole).
  • You can make a nut-free version by using sunflower or pumpkin seeds in place of nuts, though I have not tired it personally.
  • Makes approximately one cup of pesto. Keeps well in the refrigerator for up to one week or can be frozen for future use.


 ½ cup Basil
 2 cups Carrot Tops
 1 Garlic Clove
  cup Nuts (See notes)
 ½ cup Parmesan Cheese
 ½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 ¼ tsp Ground Black Pepper
 ½ tsp Salt



Cut off the carrot tops and wash the leaves. Pat dry and strip leaves from the stem.


Add all of the ingredients, except for the olive oil, into a food processor and blend until broken down. (Depending on your food processor, it may help to chop the nuts up a little before putting them in.)


Add in the olive oil and process until you get a slightly chunky sauce. If desired, you can thin it out to your desired consistency by adding more oil or water.



Carrot Top Pesto
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